Isaac's Top 10 Turkish Delights — Dwayne Hodgson

Dwayne Hodgson

A Portfolio

The work and adventures of Dwayne Hodgson,
+ Learning Designer & Facilitator at
+ Storyteller & Photographer @

Isaac's Top 10 Turkish Delights

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As we wrap up our time in Turkey, each of us has drafted a Top Ten List of things that we enjoyed doing here

Here a list from our youngest Road Scholar, Isaac:

  1. Playing FIFA 2015 in a video game arcade in Çanakkale
  2. Swimming in the outdoor, saltwater, hot springs near the harbour in Çesme. 
  3. Playing footsall in Istanbul at a local playground with some Turkish kids
  4. Experimenting with soap bubbles and math games at the Rahim M. Koç Museum in Istanbul. 
  5. Making silly photos on Photo Booth and playing Minecraft everywhere we went. 
  6. Going on a hot air balloon ride with my grandfather in Cappadocia. 
  7. Making spiral-structures out of Kapla with Samuel and Lucie  during our WWOOFing stay near Antalya, and making stop motion videos of dragons attacking them. 
  8. Eating coconut macaroons from the Simit bakery in Alsancak, Izmir
  9. Playing euchre with Pake (Trish's dad) in Fethiye, and sometimes stacking the deck so that I got a lone hand! 
  10. Going to the water slide park near Bodrum on the last day it was open, so we didn't have to wait in line.