Torres! Torres! — Dwayne Hodgson

Dwayne Hodgson

A Portfolio

The work and adventures of Dwayne Hodgson,
+ Learning Designer & Facilitator at
+ Storyteller & Photographer @

Torres! Torres!

On Saturday, I went to the Grand Bazaar and I bought a football jersey (no. 9, Fernand Torres, of Spain).

The owner of the shop asked for 45 TL (about 22 Canadian dollars). After waiting a long time and discussing it with Mom, I then offered him 25 TL. He said yes and he kissed me twice and told me that I was a good businessman. 

The next day, I went to a local futsal court. Futsal is like football (soccer), but in a tennis court with screens on the outside, artificial grass and tiny nets. when I got to the footsall court some boys saw my Torres jersey and started saying ''Torres! Torres!'' and I realized they were talking to me. I started to play footsall with then even though I couldn't speak Turkish and they couldn't speak Englesh very well. It was fun. 
