stuff — postcards -- a travelblog — Dwayne Hodgson

Dwayne Hodgson

A Portfolio

The work and adventures of Dwayne Hodgson,
+ Learning Designer & Facilitator at
+ Storyteller & Photographer @

Filtering by Tag: stuff

The leaving before the going

Before we get to go #thataway, we first have to get #outtahere.

In our case, that means

  • fixing up our house to rent it out (check!);
  • getting rid of anything that we don't want to carry or store (in process);
  • finishing up work projects (getting there); &
  • making arrangements for property management, bills, memberships, etc. (later)

This has turned out to be a part-time job for us, and these days, it feels like we're always cleaning, painting and pitching.

It is really surprising what you can accumulate after 10 years in the same house, and having to get rid a lot of it really does make you think twice about why we buy anything that can't be re-used, recycled or composted. 

Reminds me of that classic monologue by George Carlin about "stuff"  (Warning: his language is a bit profane, but his insight is profound and prophetic). 

But we're getting there...slowly. And as they used to say in Tanzania, pole pole ndiyo mwendo or even slow is a speed. 

Anybody want a juicer?